Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Interesting Wall Street Journal OpEd

Very interesting opinion, one I agree with completely.  While I've tried to ignore everything I could about the Virginia Tech story, this one crept in - glad it did.  I was tired of ignoring all the other media bullshit about it.

Link to OpinionJournal - Featured Article tags: , ,

Friday, April 13, 2007

Burlingame schools pull 8th-grade book from class

Kurt Vonnegut died on Wednesday.  And so it goes...

If it's not already abundantly clear, get your kids out of a public schools, or you'll have someone else making decisions about what and how they learn.

Link to Burlingame schools pull 8th-grade book from class tags: , ,

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Will Vermont Secede from the Union?

Ignore the fact that the story comes from AlterNet, which appears to be more left that Castro.  Ignore the comments from the sheeple at the bottom - as long as they continue to get their weekly dose of American Idol, they don't care what else happens.  Read the story.

Then, realize that Vermont wants to be free, and the Free State Project is moving to New Hapmshire, right next door.  How long before they join forces?

Link to AlterNet: Will Vermont Secede from the Union? tags: ,

Monday, April 02, 2007

IBM Gives Feds $45M in Translation Tech

OK, this is now officially out of hand - IBM is donating software and devices to troops in Iraq because one of their salesmen's sons was maimed while over there protecting American interests (read: Bush's lies).  Apparently, if you work for IBM and sacrifice your own blood, the company matches your donation with software.

According to one source, this donation will "accelerate the war effort", and some daft bitch in IBM's federal sales division wants other government vendors to consider "similar donations".

Well, how about non-government vendors then?  Can we persuade the Chris Craft company to send over a few hundred thousand yachts so our troops can evacuate the fucking area?  How about some publishing companies to air-drop a few hundred thousand translated copies of "The Fountainhead" (with a specially signed copy for President Bush)?

The fact that the government is checking to see if this is actually legal is actually funny - when, during this entire Iraq/al Qaeda/Guantanamo affair, has the government worried about being legal?  I'm surprised Gonzales hasn't rubber stamped it already, and wrapped in the 5th Amendment before delivering it to Bush.  They're not worried about the legality of accepting - they're worried that if they accept and the conflict drags on a lot longer, someone will start asking, "Hey, what about that translation stuff IBM gave us?".  Or maybe that question will be asked by the troops in a year when they're still waiting for the DoD to deliver the devices...

IBM wants to help the situation?  Stop helping government.  They can fuck our world up just fine without your donations.

Link to IBM Gives Feds $45M in Translation Tech tags: ,