Thursday, November 11, 2004 - Jesus speaks through the Republicans

Reason #1 why I'm neither Christian nor Republican. - Jesus speaks through the Republicans

Progressive News - The News Media?s Political 'F' Word by Normon Solomon

Interesting piece - while I cannot even remotely classify myself as a "progressive", I agree with this viewpoint, 100%.

Progressive News - The News Media?s Political 'F' Word by Normon Solomon

Yahoo! News - Boston Highway Project Said Full of Leaks

Who could have guessed a government project that already went over time and over budget (to the tune of $15 billion dollars) would also have other problems?

When you're done shaking your head and thanking whatever diety you want that you don't live in Taxachussetts, head over to The Cato Institute for some refreshment.

Yahoo! News - Boston Highway Project Said Full of Leaks

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Supreme Court hears case on drug-sniffing dogs' role in searches

Hmmm... The Supreme Court looks to do damage to the Fourth Amendment as well. While they make the argument that dogs sniffing luggage at airports is OK, I don't think it is. Besides, the main difference between airports and hiways is that the dogs are sniffing to protect the safety of the passengers on the plane - hiway stops have no such wide ranging public benefit (of course, if you believe drugs are a moral crime, then you won't believe that either).
KR Washington Bureau | 11/10/2004 | Supreme Court hears case on drug-sniffing dogs' role in searches

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Yahoo! News - Ashcroft, Evans Resign From Bush Cabinet

One down - three to go (Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheney).

Yahoo! News - Ashcroft, Evans Resign From Bush Cabinet

Communications Privacy: A Significant (If Quiet) Ruling

Here's one reason not to trust the mainstream media, whether the nightly news, radio news, or e-news providers. Do your own research to find the stuff that's important to you - get an RSS reader (I use Klip Folio, and read what it gives you. Then you won't be so worried about GMail and more worried about how the First Circuit has wiped it's ass with the Wiretap Act in regards to Internet communications.

And remember - behave in such a way that you wouldn't be ashamed if other people talked about you in public, even if they lie.

Communications Privacy: A Significant (If Quiet) Ruling

Monday, November 08, 2004

Times Online - Sunday Times

There's are some damn good reasons never to fly again - here's one reason never to leave England on a plane as well. I am actually flabbergasted that one woman thought a naked picture of her via this device was "less intrusive" than a manual search. Are people that scared of freedom?

Plane passengers shocked by their x-ray scans