Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bush admits administration leaked agent name

MSNBC's headline is a bit misleading - Bush didn't fully admit anything, but did say it was likely someone in his administration that leaked Valerie Plame's name.  However, the stickler for me is this:

President Bush on Thursday acknowledged publicly for the first time that someone in his administration likely leaked the name of a CIA operative, although he also said he hopes the controversy over his decision to spare prison for a former White House aide has "run its course."

"And now we're going to move on [emphasis mine]," Bush said in a White House news conference.

Any now we're going to move on?  What the fuck?  Bush admits someone in his administration likely committed a federal crime, and you just want to move on?  No - not yours.  Can you imagine any other citizen admitting to a crime, and then looking at the police and saying, "And now we're going to move on"?  How long do you think that would last?

I've heard it before, but I'll add my name to the list - this man needs to be impeached.  Once we figure out time travel, I'd support retroactively impeaching him in 2001.

Bush admits administration leaked agent name - Politics - tags: ,

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